Publication Ethics
Authorship and Contribution
- Only individuals who have significantly contributed to the research, writing, or editing of a manuscript should be listed as authors.
- All authors must approve the final manuscript version and agree on its submission to the journal.
- Any contributions by individuals who do not meet authorship criteria should be acknowledged separately.
- Data Integrity and Reproducibility
- Authors are required to present accurate and transparent data in their submissions. Falsification, fabrication, or manipulation of data is strictly prohibited.
- Data supporting the findings of a study should be made available to reviewers and, where possible, to readers to support reproducibility.
- If errors are discovered after publication, authors must promptly notify the journal to issue corrections or retractions.
- Plagiarism and Originality
- All submitted manuscripts must be original works that have not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is not tolerated.
- The journal utilizes plagiarism detection software to verify originality.
- Proper attribution is required for all sources, ideas, or data taken from other works, including published studies and data.
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure
- Authors, editors, and reviewers are required to disclose any conflicts of interest that might influence the objectivity of their work or assessments.
- Conflicts of interest can include financial, personal, or professional affiliations that could impact the research or its interpretation.
- Transparency about funding sources or sponsorship is also required to ensure unbiased results and interpretations.
- Peer Review and Confidentiality
- The journal follows a double-blind peer review process to ensure impartiality. Reviewers and editors must treat all submitted manuscripts as confidential.
- Reviewers must provide honest, constructive, and unbiased feedback without using the information for personal advantage.
- Manuscripts or data should not be shared or discussed outside the peer review process without explicit permission from the journal.
- Ethical Treatment of Human and Animal Subjects
- Studies involving human participants or animals must comply with relevant ethical guidelines and obtain appropriate institutional review board (IRB) or ethics committee approval.
- Authors should obtain informed consent from all human subjects and ensure the humane treatment of animals in research.
- Authors must declare any ethical considerations taken into account in the methods section of their manuscript.
- Publication Ethics and Misconduct
- Any instance of suspected ethical misconduct, including fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, will be investigated following the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines.
- The journal reserves the right to issue corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern if ethical breaches are identified post-publication.
- In cases of severe ethical violations, authors may face a publication ban in the journal and be reported to their institutions or relevant authorities.
- Transparency and Accountability
- The journal is committed to transparency in its operations and will provide clear guidelines on its publication and peer review processes.
Editors are responsible for making fair and unbiased publication decisions and are accountable for maintaining ethical standards in the journal’s practices.